A directory of our calculators to help with simple financial decisions.

This calculator doesn't deal with inflation, taxes, or any of that complicated stuff. This is just a simple calculator that lets you start with an amount of money and make regular monthly deposits, and see how much it grows.
This calculator allows you to show a full amortization schedule after you input the Principal, Interest Rate, Term, starting month, and year. It also allows you to model a variety of prepayment options, such as monthly or lump sum, and summarizes the savings.

This calculator allows you to compare what would happen if you took one of two choices with some extra cash you have -- prepaying your mortgage each month, or investing it instead.
This calculator finds the missing variable for a loan. If you know the payment, term, and loan amount it calculates the interest rate. If you know the payment amount, loan amount, and interest rate, it calculates the term. Get the idea?

This calculator allows you to compare what would happen if you took one of two choices with a big chunk of cash you have -- paying off your mortgage, or investing it instead.
This calculator allows you to see how prepaying your mortgage reduces the length of your mortgage by putting in the current values for your loan.

This calculator takes a principal amount, interest rate, and normal length of the loan, and then allows you to determine how long you’d like the loan to last - solve for new payment or how much you'd need to pay to pay off the loan in a specific period of time.
The calculator will work to calculate what kind of income is needed to qualify for specific values. Enter in the monthly payment, taxes, homeowners insurance, other debt payments, the sale price of the home and expected down payment, to estimate the income needed.

Use this to compare the real after-tax interest rate of your mortgage. Then compare your after-tax yields on taxed investments and tax protected (i.e. tax-deferred 401(k),403(b), IRA accounts, or tax-free Roth or Education IRA accounts).
The calculator will work to calculate what kind of income is needed to qualify for specific values. Enter in the monthly payment, taxes, homeowners insurance, other debt payments, the sale price of the home and expected down payment, to estimate the income needed.

Use this to compare the real after-tax interest rate of two different rates. Compare the cost of one interest rate versus the return of another investment after tax. This can be helpful to analyze your LAG - Liability Asset Gap between a loan and an investment.
The calculator will take multiple loan balances and multiple interest rates and calculate the overall cost of all your debt. A great way to see how larger debts or smaller debts with higher interest rates skew the overall cost of your borrowing.